2022 Texas Mamma Jamma Ride

2022 Texas Mamma Jamma Ride

It’s time again to support the lifesaving mission of the Big Pink Bus, which provides mammograms to uninsured and underinsured women across Central Texas. Registration for the 2022 Texas Mamma Jamma Ride is now open! The Ride is an annual fundraiser and bike ride. Its proceeds solely support LSCC’s Big Pink Bus.  Register today and join the fight for the 1 in 8 women who will get breast cancer!

“Early detection of breast cancer saves lives and we are committed to increasing access and reducing cost barriers to mammography screening through the Big Pink Bus.”

–Jon Calvin, CEO, Lone Star Circle of Care

Join Lone Star Circle of Care, supporters, riders, volunteers and partners for a first-class cycling experience on Saturday, September 17, 2022, in Taylor, Texas.

Join or Start A Team: You can ride as an individual or share the experience with a team by your side! **Important note: Every rider has to raise a minimum of $300 to be eligible to ride on ride day. Riders will need to use their own personal fundraising link when fundraising – not the team fundraising link. Donations to the “Team” do not count towards individual fundraising goals.**

Find Your Ride: There are ride routes for every skill level, from the very beginner friendly 15-mile route to intermediate distances of 25 and 50 miles, and even 70 miles for those wanting a challenge. 

Participate/Volunteer: You do not have to ride to participate. If cycling is not your thing, you can sign up as a virtual rider and support the Big Pink Bus without getting on a bike. 

All Ride routes will pass LSCC’s clinic in the former Taylor West End School. There will be food, live music, and small-town Texas fun for everyone to enjoy!

Lone Star Circle of Care Taylor Front Entrance

Thank you for being part of this exciting and impactful part of Lone Star Circle of Care’s mission. Register for the 2022 Texas Mamma Jamma Ride today!