Back 2 School: Yearly Well-Child Visit

Back 2 School: Yearly Well-Child Visit

At Lone Star Circle of Care we care about your child’s health and education. The back-to-school season is a good time to put their annual exam on your family schedule:

  1. Shop for school supplies
  2. Fill out permission forms
  3. Schedule yearly pediatric well-child visit 877-800-5722

A yearly physical exam by your family’s pediatrician is an important part of your child’s health care.  Seeing the doctor when they are well is just as important when they are ill. Our board certified doctors and health care providers follow the American Academy of Pediatrics comprehensive health guidelines for well-child care.

At well-child care visits most parent’s think of prevention; getting scheduled immunizations to prevent illness. While that is important, there is much more.  It’s also important to talk about nutrition, tracking growth and development, discuss milestones, behaviors, and learning concerns to name a few.

Visit us at one of our pediatric locations near you.  We look forward to seeing you soon!