Bucks to the Bus Celebration

Bucks to the Bus Celebration

The Big Pink Bus is getting a boost to support its life saving mission! During the Bucks to the Bus celebration in Georgetown last week, the  Texas Mamma Jamma Ride presented a big check to the Big Pink Bus team.

Fundraising proceeds from the 2023 Texas Mamma Jamma Ride held in September will help with the operational costs of the Bus and enable it to provide mammograms to underserved women in Central Texas. The Bucks to the Bus celebration is a fun way to announce the annual proceeds of the Ride and to formally present a check to the Big Pink Bus.

Dozens of people attended the event including Lone Star Circle of Care staff, riders, volunteers, and sponsors of the Ride. Lone Star Circle of Care CEO Jon Calvin, Director of the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride Marion Martin, and Program Director of the Big Pink Bus Rebecca Sorensen discussed the significance of the Ride and the Bus, and their impact on the breast cancer community. They personally thanked every individual who participated in the Ride this year including almost 370 cyclists, 200 volunteers, more than 3,500 donors, and dozens of sponsors including platinum sponsor Samsung!

Marion Martin presented awards to the Top Fundraiser, Top Fundraising Team, and Volunteer of the Year! The Cook Family, hosting a fantastic rest stop at their family farm for the third year in a row, won Volunteer of the Year. Rachel Cook is a breast cancer survivor, so the missions of the Ride and Bus are dear to Rachel, her husband Danny, and their three children. Kerry Tate was awarded Top Fundraiser after raising more than $16,000 for the Ride. The Bust a Move team was awarded Top Fundraising Team for the third year in a row. Bust a Move raised more than $43,000 this year!

On behalf of Lone Star Circle of Care, thank you riders, volunteers, sponsors, and donors for your tremendous support.  Your support makes it possible to provide the Big Pink Bus mobile mammography service.

Join us for the 2024 Texas Mamma Jamma Ride on Saturday, September 21, 2024, in Taylor, Texas. Registration will open Spring 2024. As well, keep an eye out for a new Big Pink Bus that will hit the roads in early 2024!