Wellness Wednesdays: Four Foods for Eye Health

Wellness Wednesdays: Four Foods for Eye Health

Diabetes along with normal aging can cause damage to the eyes. Make sure your eyes are getting enough nutrients by incorporating these 4 foods into your diet:

  1. Kale: This leafy green power food is packed with lutein and zeaxanthin which can help protect eye tissues from sun damage and reduce the risk of eye changes related to aging.
  2. Sweet Potatoes: The orange pigment in this food is high in beta-carotene which gets converted to vitamin A in the body and prevents dry eyes and night blindness.
  3. Strawberries: Strawberries are high in vitamin C which help you ā€œCā€ better. This powerful antioxidant helps reduce your risk of cataracts.
  4. Salmon: Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids which can be beneficial for overall eye health. Aim to eat salmon or other fatty fish like tuna or sardines 2-3 times per week.

Written by Victoria Luera, Lone Star Circle of Care Registered Dietitian. Submitted by Ashley Wild.