Wellness Wednesdays: Infused Water

Wellness Wednesdays: Infused Water

Did you know that drinking sugary beverages negatively impacts your health to a greater degree than simply eating sweets does? Our bodies absorb the sugar from beverages more rapidly than the sugar from foods. So, when you’re craving something sweet, opting for a small dessert or candy would be a better option than drinking beverages like soda, sweet tea, energy drinks, your favorite Frappuccino from Starbucks, or even fruit juice.

Water is the best option to both quench your thirst and keep you hydrated while enjoying your favorite summer activities in this hot Texas heat. Aim to drink at least 8-12 cups of water a day. That’s equal to about 4-6, 16 fl. oz. water bottles. If you don’t like the taste of water, adding some flavor may help you reach your daily water goal. You can spice up your water routine with sugar-free flavorings like SweetLeaf Stevia Natural Water Drops, Stur Liquid Water Enhancer, Fizzy Green Tablets, True Lemon, or Crystal Light packets.

Other ways to naturally flavor water are by combining various fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs to make a tasty and refreshing beverage. If you have little ones at home, be sure to get them involved by letting them choose their own infused water combinations. It’s a perfect way to enjoy both hydrating your body and spending time with family. To schedule an appointment with our dietitian Victoria Luera, please call 877-800-5722 or make an appointment on our website.

Written by Victoria Luera, Lone Star Circle of Care Registered Dietitian. Submitted by Ashley Wild