We are excited to introduce Wellness Wednesdays, an opportunity to examine a variety of topics that address health and wellbeing! Meet our registered dietitian (RDN), Victoria Luera!

Did you know that as a Lone Star Circle of Care patient you have access to speak with a registered dietitian nutritionist? As a dietician, Victoria assesses patients’ nutritional needs based on their health history by creating a personalized meal plan that fits their palate preference and budget. With the guidance of a dietitian, we can work together to create a plan to help you control health factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or simply lose weight.
Many people fear that a dietitian will tell them what foods they can’t have, but proper medical nutrition therapy will help you learn what foods work best with your body and how to enjoy all foods in moderation to improve your overall health. To schedule an appointment with our dietitian Victoria Luera, please call 877-800-5722 or make an appointment on our website.
Written by Victoria Luera (RDN), submitted by Ashley Wild